This is an online Training.
The quality of a child's earliest experiences and environments has a profound influence on
their developing brain architecture and lays the foundation for future well-being and
success. This presentation explores the critical role that early care providers play in shaping
positive childhood experiences and promoting healthy brain development. Early care
providers, including childcare workers, have a unique opportunity to create nurturing
environments that foster resilience and mitigate the impacts of adverse childhood
experiences (ACEs). This presentation will highlight the importance of responsive caregiving,
which involves providing consistent, sensitive, and developmentally appropriate
interactions that meet the child's emotional, social, and cognitive needs. Attendees will
learn strategies for building trusting relationships, creating predictable routines, and
encouraging exploratory play, all of which contribute to the development of secure
attachments and resilience.
• Describe the significance of positive childhood experiences in shaping
brain architecture and promoting resilience.
• Identify at least three (3) evidence-based practices for responsive
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